How to Activate E90 Turn On Rear Fog Lights When Welcome Light Is Activated

Feature Overview:

Activating this feature will allow you to control how the rear fog lights come on if the welcome light feature is activated and you unlock your car. You will have the choice of either instant or gradually turn on the rear license plate lights. 

ECU/s Effected: FRM (NFRM)

Feature Confirmed Working On The Following Car Model Years:
2000 E90   2007 E90  2008 E90
2009 E90  2010  E90  2011 E90


1. Change The Following Parameters:

NFRM Module:

Parameter Options Description
WL_NSL hart_einschalten rear fog lights come on instantly
  soft_einschalten rear fog lights gradually come on
  nicht_aktiv rear fog lights will not come on/feature disabled