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Autel MaxiPRO MP808 MP808S OBD2 Bi-Directional Diagnostic Scan Tool with Key Coding PK MaxiDAS DS808 DS708 Maxisys MS906

2 Years Update Autel MaxiPRO MP808 MP808S OBD2 Bi-Directional Diagnostic Scan Tool with Key Coding PK MaxiDAS DS808 DS708 Maxisys MS906

  • Item No. XN-SP446-B
  • Free Shipping

Autel MP808S, with powerhouse speed and performance, offers riches of diagnostic features and functions, including OE-level diagnostics, bi-directional control, key coding, special services and more. Booting in seconds and sporting a big 7-inch display, this diagnostic tool provides you a quick way to get you right down to business.

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by Mr.Barrie Goodland on Mar 23, 2023
The best bidirectional - that is, reads from and writes to the various modules - tool that I am aware of is the Autel MP808. The benefit of this versus Xentry/STAR/DAS ($900) is that it is useful for makes other than just MB. The cost is that it is nowhere near as sophisticated, and one can never be quite certain of its veracity. But everything I have worked with and tested on it tells me it is legit.
by Mr.Guillaume Auffret on Jan 30, 2023
I went with the mp808. Love it for the price. Does everything but coding.
by Mr.Matt Brown on Sep 26, 2022
We have the autel mp 808 and it pretty much does everything including coding and keys. Boss bought one for me, came with 2 year free updates & autel said it Is recognized and covered under the autel warranty
by Mr.Deepak Kumar on Jan 4, 2021
 i have mp808. Great value tool although i dont use it to its full potential
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